www2.gwd50.org - /Curriculum/Kindergarten/

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7/28/2009 7:56 AM 380186 Farm Sounds.notebook
7/28/2009 7:40 AM 171971 Fire Song.notebook
7/27/2009 4:24 PM 16733 Five Little Firefighters.notebook
7/28/2009 8:07 AM 70216 His Dream.notebook
7/27/2009 2:37 PM 11522 I'm a Police Officer.notebook
7/27/2009 2:33 PM 291124 I've Got A Song.notebook
8/3/2009 8:46 PM 56832 KG_1N_1R_The Pledge of Allegiance.doc
8/3/2009 8:48 PM 58880 KG_1N_2R_The Rain Came Down.doc
8/3/2009 8:49 PM 54784 KG_1N_3R_Firefighters A to Z.doc
8/3/2009 8:50 PM 56320 KG_2N_1R_As the Crow Flies.doc
8/3/2009 8:50 PM 58368 KG_2N_2R_One LIttle, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims.doc
8/3/2009 8:51 PM 55296 KG_2N_3R_William's House.doc
8/3/2009 8:51 PM 59904 KG_3N_1R_Martin's Big Words.doc
8/3/2009 8:51 PM 55296 KG_3N_2R_Abe Lincoln and Me.doc
8/3/2009 8:51 PM 59392 KG_3N_3R_Everyody Works 2.doc
8/3/2009 8:52 PM 58880 KG_4N_1R_Amelia's Fantastic Flight.doc
8/3/2009 8:52 PM 55296 KG_4N_2R_My Brown Bear Barney.doc
8/3/2009 8:53 PM 58368 KG_4N_3R_The Impossible Patriotism Projet.doc
9/15/2011 5:15 PM 131072 Kindergarten Standards First Nine Weeks FY12.doc
9/15/2011 5:23 PM 102912 Kindergarten Standards Fourth Nine Weeks FY12.doc
9/15/2011 5:19 PM 124416 Kindergarten Standards Second Nine Weeks FY12.doc
9/15/2011 5:22 PM 116736 Kindergarten Standards Third Nine Weeks FY12.doc
7/27/2009 2:12 PM 194574 Lunch Rap.notebook
7/28/2009 8:07 AM 80376 Martin Luther King Jr..notebook
7/28/2009 8:09 AM 70983 Martin Luther King.notebook
7/11/2016 11:02 AM <dir> older version of curriculum guide
7/28/2009 8:02 AM 52183 Reading Strategies Song.notebook
8/26/2009 1:04 PM 675406 Rhyming Words_revised.notebook
7/27/2009 2:08 PM 88312 Rules Rap.notebook
7/28/2009 7:43 AM 61424 Shaka Laka.notebook
7/27/2009 4:07 PM 91008 Shaka-laka.notebook
7/27/2009 2:18 PM 233644 Shimmy Shimmy.notebook
7/28/2009 8:04 AM 19638 Turkey is a Funny Bird.notebook
7/28/2009 8:05 AM 21194 Turkey Named Burt.notebook
7/27/2009 2:01 PM 153418 Welcome to Kindergarten.notebook
7/27/2009 2:29 PM 181599 Wishy Washy Washer Woman.notebook