Greenwood School District 50
School and District Demographics




The following links will show student counts by school and grade level for the given days or dates:

*Student Counts by School by Grade (most recent counts)

Day 45 2007-2008   Day 180 2007-2008

Day 45 2006-2007   Day 180 2006-2007

Day 45 2005-2006   Day 180 2005-2006
Day 45 2004-2005   Day 180 2004-2005
Day 45 2003-2004   Day 180 2003-2004

Day 45 2002-2003   Day 180 2002-2003

Day 45 2001-2002   Day 180 2001-2002


The following links will show the most recent student counts by school and population subgroups:

*Student Counts by School by Ethnicity

*Student Counts by School by Lunch Status

*Student Counts by School by EFA Code


The following link will show student enrollment numbers (average daily membership) as reported to the S.C. Department of Education for the given dates:

*EFA Membership and Enrollment Reports

Updated 10/31/2007