School Technology Leader Supplemental Agreement




The School Technology Leader is a teacher who is already considered an informed “technology leader” by the administration and faculty within the school.  His/her technology proficiency and ability to integrate technology in the classroom have been consistently demonstrated through lesson plans, observations, and willingness to assist colleagues with technology issues and integration.  The STL is a teacher who has a positive attitude and who is willing to go above and beyond the requirements of a classroom teacher.  Finally, the STL is someone who works well with others and is capable of being a liaison between district and school-based administrators and his/her faculty.  


Job Description


School Technology Leaders act as role models, advisors, and trainers.  Their duties are as follows:


1.      Assist teachers in using technology as a tool to support instruction.

2.      Develop standards-based model lessons that include the use of various technologies in the learning activities and collaborate with other STL’s to compile a bank of lessons to share with teachers across the district.

3.      Present model lessons in his/her school as well as in other schools within the district and for administrators.

4.      Lead staff development for teachers in the use of various technologies for teaching and learning.

5.      Collaborate with principal, instructional specialist, and academic coach to assist all teachers in improving technology-based teaching skills.

6.      Collaborate with District OCS staff to train teachers in developing class webpages using the tools provided by the new district Content Management System, Schoolwires.

7.      Collaborate with District OCS staff to train teachers in Integrade Pro and ClassXP.



I agree to the above job description:














Supplement Amount
