



Code  GDC  Issued  01/20/03



Purpose:  To establish the basic structure for all types of support staff leaves and absences.


This policy -- and accompanying administrative rule -- may include sick leave (to include Family and Medical Leave Act requirements), personal/emergency/ legal leave, maternity/paternity/parental leave, military leave, conferences/training workshops and sabbaticals.  Vacations and holidays are the subject of a separate policy.


The continuous presence of employees promotes excellence in the instructional program by ensuring the following:


·        uninterrupted continuity of education;

·        greater teacher-student contact time;

·        appropriate role-model emulation;

·        consistent support of classroom discipline; and

·        reduced cost.


Therefore, the Board of Trustees expects employees to come to work every day. The Board of Trustees recognizes, however, that certain absences are unavoidable. At such times, employees should take leave in accordance with this policy and its accompanying administrative rule.


Absent employees must comply with procedures set out in the administrative rule that accompany this policy.


Sick leave


Accrual of sick leave


All full-time employees of the district accrue sick leave at the following rate.


·        12 workdays per year for 180-195 day employees

·        12.5 workdays per year for 200-day employees

·        13 workdays per year for 205-215 day employees

·        14 workdays per year for 225-day employees

·        15 workdays per year for 235-260 day employees


For the purpose of this policy, “full-time” employee will be defined as any person employed a minimum of 30 hours per week. Accrued sick leave not taken will be cumulative to a maximum of 105 workdays. Sick leave is to be used by the employee for his/her personal illness and a portion of the sick leave may be used for illness of his/her immediate family members.*

The use of sick leave may be subject to verification.  After the employee has used five normally scheduled consecutive workdays, the supervisor may request the employee to provide a doctor’s statement.district reserves the right to require that an employee submit a doctor's statement verifying an illness as requested by the building principal or employee's immediate supervisor.



If an employee's use of sick leave forms a pattern and abuse is suspected, the principal/ supervisor may also require a doctor's statement.

*Immediate family is defined as parents, stepparents, guardians, spouse, children, stepchildren, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren and other dependents living in the home.


An employee who finds it necessary to request extended emergency medical leave of more than 2010 consecutive workdays must make such request in writing to his/her immediate supervisor and to the superintendent or his/her designee as soon as the illness has been medically determined. The written request must include the statement of a licensed physician indicating the anticipated date, time and duration of illness and the approximate date the employee may be able to return to work. Upon return to work, the employee must present a statement from a licensed physician verifying that the employee is able to return to work. An employee who returns from leave of absence will be assigned to the same or similar duties, which he/she performed prior to going on leave, if this is considered by the administration to be in the best interest of the district.. Classified employees will be assigned to duties in keeping with their training and qualifications.  If the administration does not consider it to be in the best interest of the district to assign the employee to the position he/she had prior to going on leave or to a similar position, the district will offer the employee a position for which he/she is qualified.  The district will place the employee on the payroll at his/her pre-leave salary status.


Legitimate absence for illness for which accumulated sick leave is not available will be charged to the employee’s annual leave or a deduction from the employee’s pay. Deductions from pay will be calculated at the employee’s current daily rate of compensation.





The district may terminate the employment of any employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this policy and accompanying administrative rule, who fails to report to work at the expiration of authorized leave or who fails to obtain an extension of leave.


An employee is subject to termination from employment with the district for misstatements of fact and/or misrepresentations of purpose for which leave of absence is desired or on the basis of which sick leave is obtained.


The district will not terminate from employment those employees under this policy who have accrued sick leave and who are using it in compliance with this policy.  The district must not terminate from employment any such employee during a continuing sick leave of less than 91 workdays.


Transfer of sick leave


An employee of a state agency transferring to a school district of this State or a school district employee transferring to a state agency is permitted to transfer to and retain at his new employer all sick leave he/she accumulated at his former employer regardless of his employment status at the new employer.  Sick leave not to exceed sixty days lost by a school district employee as a result of changing employment from the school district to a state agency or by a state employee as a result of changing employment from a state agency to a school district is restored if the employee was employed by the school district or the state agency after June 28, 1984, and is employed on June 30, 1991.



Reimbursement for unused leave


All full-time employees who have accumulated excess days above the 90 workdays will, at the end of each school year, receive bonus pay at the rate of one-half the average substitute teacher pay rate for each unused sick leave day in excess of 90 days, i.e., a maximum of 15 days per fiscal year.


All full-time employees, upon retirement or separation from employment with the district, will receive pay for all accumulated sick leave days not to exceed up to 105 workdays at the rate of one-half average substitute teacher pay rate.  Employees who become active retirees with a South Carolina Retirement System entity and are hired by the district will not be compensated for any accrued sick leave or annual leave.  Annual and sick leave days may be earned and accrued, but no compensation will be paid for unused days.


TERI Employees


All employees entering the TERI program are eligible to receive pay for any accumulated sick leave days not to exceed up to 105 workdays at the rate of one-half average substitute teacher pay rate. Up to 90 sick leave days may be used when an employee enters the TERI program for the purpose of calculating service credit.  Any sick leave used for the purpose of TERI calculations will be deducted from the employee’s balance.


Personal/Emergency/Legal/Bereavement leave


Personal leave


Employees may accumulate three earned sick days per year for the purpose of personal leave. A maximum of five personal leave days may be accumulated, used or carried forward from one year to the next. Personal leave may be used for personal reasons provided prior approval of the supervisor is obtained and the request does not fall on the day immediately before or immediately following a holiday. If the request for personal leave, with the immediate supervisor’s approval, includes the work day immediately before a holiday or a work day immediately following a holiday then deductions from the employee’s pay will be calculated and deducted at the employee’s current daily rate of compensation.


Emergency leave


Any emergency absence must have approval of the principal after an explanation has been given for the request for the absence. If the principal feels that the request is for an absence of an emergency nature, permission may be granted, provided that it is not in excess of three days. Such emergency personal leave absences will cause a deduction in the employee’s pay in an amount equal to one-half his/her daily rate of pay. For absences described in this section that are not of an emergency nature, the employee will receive no pay for any day missed for this reason, with or without the principal’s permission. Non-emergency absences would include pleasure trips, vacations, visits by unexpected guests, etc. Sick days are not reduced for approved emergency leave.


Civil leave


Civil leave may be used when a court official requiring the employee’s presence in a non-personal legal matter subpoenas an employee.  Any employee serving on a jury must endorse his/her check (pay for jury duty, excluding travel) to the school district, and no deduction will be made from his/her salary or accrued sick leave for being absent from his/her position.. This means that no employee will be penalized for having to serve on a jury, but also that no employee may profit financially from such service. 


Employees serving on jury duty must report to their building supervisor if they are excused from duty before one-half of the normal workday is complete.


Each employee is required to complete an employee’s absence report form the day of his/her return to work.


When selected for jury duty, classified personnel at the building level or bus drivers may request a postponement to a date that does not conflict with the school term.


Bereavement leave


The Board of Trustees is very sensitive to the employee’s needs during the bereavement of family members.


Provisions for employee absences during bereavement have been established to allow three paid leave days for the bereavement of a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, or stepparent.   In addition, two earned sick leave days may be used in conjunction with the three district-paid days.  Earned sick leave of three days may be used for bereavement leave due to the death of grandparents, grandparents-in-law, parents-in-law, guardians, grandchildren, brothers, brothers-in-law, sisters and sisters-in-law, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. One earned sick leave day may be used for bereavement leave due to the death of all other family members.


Military leave


Employees may take military leave without loss of pay, seniority or efficiency rating for one or more periods not exceeding a total of 15 workdays in one year. Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays may not be included in this 15 days unless the Saturday, Sunday or holiday is a regularly scheduled workday for the employee.


This leave may be taken when the employee is engaged in training or other duties ordered by the governor, the department of defense, the department of the army, the department of the air force, the department of the navy, the department of the treasury, or any other department or agency of the government of the United States having authority to issue lawful orders requiring military service. This leave applies to employees who are either enlisted or commissioned members of the South Carolina National Guard, the United States Army Reserve, the United States Air Force Reserve, the United States Naval Reserve, the United States Marine Corps Reserve or the United States Coast Guard Reserve.


In the event an employee is called upon to serve during an emergency, he/she will be entitled to such leave of absence for a period not exceeding 30 additional days.


The Board of Trustees expects employees to request their training for a period when school is not in session.


An employee seeking leave for annual active duty training must forward a written request, including the appropriate verifying data, to the superintendent no later than 30 days prior to the pre-arranged military activity.

Active duty




It will be the policy of the district that employees or applicants for employment who are members of the armed services are not treated adversely in employment matters because of such membership. In compliance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, the district will not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment because of their membership or application for membership in the armed services and will reemploy, in the same or equivalent positions, employees who undergo a period of absence due to military service.


The reemployment requirements of the Act are applicable to all applications for reemployment initiated after December 12, 1994. An employer must reemploy any employee who left work due to military obligations so long as the following occur.


·    The employee gives advance written or verbal notice of the service, unless such notice is impossible or unreasonable.


·    The cumulative length of the absence and all previous absences with that employer due to military service do not exceed five years.


·     Upon completion of the period of service, the employee notified the employer of his/her intent to return to work.


The five-year maximum does not include training or service that is required beyond five years to complete an initial period of obligated service.


Discharge protection


If an employee serves more than 180 days, the employer cannot discharge the employee, except for cause, for one year from the date of reemployment. If the employee serves from 31-180 days, the employer cannot discharge the employee, except for cause, for 180 days of reemployment.


Health plans


Upon commencing military service, employees may elect to continue the health plan they had with the employer for a maximum of either 18 24 months from the commencement of service or the day after the date they fail to return to their position with the employer, whichever is less. Employees who choose to continue coverage may be required to pay up to 102 percent of the full premium under the plan. However, employees who serve less than 31 days cannot be required to pay more than the regular employee share, if any.


Employees are entitled to have their health plan reinstated upon reemployment without an exclusion or waiting period, except for illnesses or injuries incurred or aggravated during service.


Pension benefit plans


For purposes of pension benefit plans, a reemployed person must be treated as not having incurred a break in employment. An employee cannot be deemed to have forfeited any benefits due to military service, and during service, his/her benefits will be deemed to have accrued at their regular rate. The employer must fund a reinstated employee’s benefit plan and provide matching contributions as if there were no break in employment. If the accrued benefits are contingent upon employee contributions, the employer is liable for funding the plan only to the extent the employee actually makes such contributions, either during service or upon reemployment.


Maternity/Paternity leave


A pregnant employee is eligible for extended illness leave not to exceed one academic year.  While on leave, the employee may receive pay for accumulated sick leave as provided herein.  In documented adoption cases, a parent may use earned sick leave by providing documentation from a physician or the production of a court order.


The rules and regulations of the state department of education governing increments for years of service and retirement credit will apply to persons on maternity and childcare leave in the same manner as for any other temporary disability.


Family and Medical Leave Act


Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period (based on the “rolling 12 month period”) for the birth or adoption of a child; to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent) with a serious health condition; or to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition. To be eligible for Family Medical Leave, an employee must have been employed by the district for 12 months and worked at least 1250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the leave. Spouses who are both employed by the district are jointly entitled to a combined total of 12 workweeks of family leave. All eligible employees will be required to use accrued sick leave concurrently with Family and Medical Leave. Family and Medical Leave will begin with the onset of leave for a qualifying condition. All leave approved for Family and Medical Leave must meet the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.


Employees may request in writing extended family or medical leave from the district of one academic year or a portion thereof without pay except that any accumulated sick leave days must be used. Extended leave of this type will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Employees on medical leave will return to service only after their attending physician has certified their ability to carry out required duties. This certification must be made as soon as possible prior to return to duty. When employees return to service, they will be assigned to duties in keeping with their training and qualifications.


The rules and regulations of the state department of education governing increments for years of service and retirement credit will apply to persons on maternity and childcare leave in the same manner as for any other temporary disability.


Extended leave of absence


In order that a systematic stance be operative in securing a replacement for a support person anticipating a leave of absence, it is requested that employees notify their immediate supervisor in writing as to their anticipated period of absence at least three months prior to the expected departure date. A copy of such request will be sent to the assistant superintendent of human resources.


The employee and the immediate supervisor will work out expected departure and return dates.  It is expected that the advice of the employee’s physician will be a major determinant of such data.


In case of emergency, such as, but not limited to, heart attack, stroke, bleeding ulcer or emergency appendectomy, the three-month notification requirement would be waived. The employee’s immediate supervisor will make arrangements for a leave of absence as necessary.


Cumulative sick leave days may be used if the employee so desires.


An employee who is absent for a leave of absence will receive pay for school days actually worked or for days worked plus leave days applied. All personnel benefits accrued will be retained during a leave of absence unless the person involved will have accepted other employment or resigned from assigned duties in the district.


Ordinarily, requests for a leave of absence that cut across or encompass parts of two or more contract years will not be honored. The district will consider requests for a leave of absence encompassing one complete school year. Such request must be in writing to the principal or immediate supervisor and to the assistant superintendent for human resources.  The principal will make an initial written recommendation to the assistant superintendent for human resources in response to the employee’s request. The assistant superintendent for human resources will then consider the request and make a recommendation to the superintendent.


Before leave begins, the employee will confer in person with the assistant superintendent forof human resources as to the mechanics of pay arrangements, insurance arrangements, etc. during the leave period.


Conferences/Training workshops


The district may grant temporary leave to an employee for the purpose of attending activities designed to improve employee competency or to improve the instructional or service programs of the district.



Extended professional leave is defined as a minimum of one semester or a maximum of one academic year and shall be granted to members of the support staff who desire to advance themselves academically in an accredited school or program approved by the district.  Classified employees eligible to apply for extended professional leave must:


·        have completed three years of employment with the district;

·        present a written request to the assistant superintendent for human resources for extended professional leave;

·        receive no compensation or fringe benefits accrued from the district except continuation of health coverage if the employee pays both the employee and employer portion of the premium; and

·        agree to return to the district for at least one full year. 


An employee who returns from extended professional leave of absence will be assigned to the same or similar duties which he/she performed prior to going on leave, if this is considered by the administration to be in the best interest of the district.


For further information, please refer to administrative rule GDC-R.


Adopted 10/29/73; Revised 10/24/77, 8/20/84, 5/18/87, 7/17/89, 6/21/90, 9/17/90, 10/15/90, 1/20/92, 12/13/93, 7/13/95, 7/18/96, 4/20/98, 5/18/98, 01/20/03


Legal references:


A.  United States Code:

1.       P.L.103-3 and 29 CFR Part 825 - The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.

2.       Title 38 U.S. Code, Chapter 43, Sections 4301-4333, Public Law 103-353 – The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994 (USERRA).


B.   S. C. Code, 1976, as amended:

      1.   Section 8-7-20 - Requires granting of military leave, without pay, up to five years.

2.       Section 8-7-90 - Requires 15 days per year of leave with pay for members of National Guard and Reserve Units of the various Armed Forces.  Also grants an additional 30 days of leave with pay in emergency situations.

3.       Section 9-1-2210 – Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program.

      4.   Section 14-1-190 - Compensation received for jury duty deemed to be expense money.

5.       Section 14-7-845 - Relating to optional postponement of jury service for students and employees.

6.       Section 25-1-2250 - Employees entitled to leave with pay when serving in National Guard.

7.       Section 59-1-400 - Sick leave for public school district employees.

8.       Section 8-11-46 - Transfer of accumulated leave upon transfer between state agency and school district.