




Code  GCEC  Issued  12/16/02



Purpose:  To establish the basic structure for posting and advertising professional vacancies.


The Board of Trustees believes it has the obligation to provide the best administrative and supervisory personnel available for the district regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability or national origin. 


Except in extreme emergencies, the administration will advertise all job vacancies within the district.

When a vacancy occurs, the Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent to determine how the vacancy will be filled.  Offers of employment for retired individuals will be via work agreements.  The Superintendent or his/her designee may determine whether advertisement of a vacancy is necessary or whether the position may be filled through some other means.

Promotional positions


The Board of Trustees declares its support of a policy to give current staff consideration with respect to the filling of promotional vacancies. Promotional positions are those positions that are administrative in nature, such as principal, assistant principal, etc.


The district will advertise openings in administrative and supervisory positions as set out below.


·        The district will advertise in all district schools and administrative offices and, when appropriate, university placement offices and local newspapers.


·        No promotional vacancy will be filled until it has been posted for at least three school days.


Adopted 10/29/73; Revised 1/86, 6/21/90, 3/15/93, ^12/16/2002