

Extra Duty

Principals may make extra duty assignments for teachers at their schools.  Teachers are expected to do the following when assigned by their principals: general supervision of students whenever students are on school grounds or elsewhere during any school function, hall duty, yard duty, bus duty or lunchroom duty.


Health Certificates

All employees are required to meet the guidelines for the screening and evaluation of tuberculosis according to Greenwood 50 policy and South Carolina law.  The required tuberculin skin test and/or chest X-rays may be secured from a physician or county health department.  The completed form must be submitted to the Human Resources Office prior to the first day the employee reports for work.


Health-Related Service to Ill and/or Injured Students

During a typical school day, students frequently become ill or are injured.  School personnel, such as school secretaries or teachers, may be the persons who provide the necessary first aid assistance to the student.  As increasing attention is given to infectious diseases, all health care providers should be aware of simple and effective strategies that provide maximum protection from infection for themselves and students.  While AIDS is the most publicized infectious disorder, diseases such as Hepatitis-B and Tuberculosis are more common in the public school population and also present serious health concerns.  These guidelines are intended to provide procedures that reduce the risk of infection that may be present.


A.  Basic Guidelines for Routine Situations

1.       Nothing takes the place of good common sense when dealing with a student who has been injured or becomes ill at school.  Procedures and guidelines should always be considered in light of the situation; emergencies will require different handling than more ordinary situations.

2.     The person providing the medical assistance should wash his or her hands BEFORE and AFTER dealing with a student.  This is for the protection of the student as well as the worker.

3.     Any medical supplies that are out-of-date should be discarded.  Check the expiration dates on bottles/containers.

4.     Medical supplies that have been contaminated through contact with hands or other body parts should immediately be discarded.  For example, when using eyewash, the bottle should never touch the student's face.

  1. A health-care provider should avoid touching his/her face until the student has been dealt with and the worker has washed his/her hands.  A person's own hands are the primary source of contagion for any disorder he/she may contact.
  2. When possible, use liquid soap dispensers and paper towels if a wash basin has a high frequency of use.
  3. When dealing with older students, assistance should be provided only when the student is unable to deal effectively with injury on his or her own.  For example, a student can place a Band-Aid on a minor cut without any assistance other than the provision of the Band-Aid.


B.  Situations Involving Blood or Body Fluids

  1. School personnel should use appropriate caution when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated. Disposal gloves must be worn when touching blood, body fluids, mucus membranes, or open lacerations or abrasions.
  2. Hands should be washed after the gloves have been removed.
  3. If gloves are torn, remove them immediately. Wash hands thoroughly with soap; then use a fresh pair of gloves.
  4. School personnel who have open lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from handling students, especially those with injuries involving blood or body fluids.
  5. Disposable gloves will be maintained in the health room and in areas where the person handling student health problems will have ready access to them.  At the principal's discretion, gloves may be maintained in other settings where risk of student injury or accident is high.


C.  Situations Involving Toileting

  1. In several district classrooms, students must be diapered and/or toileted.  Gloves should be used in all situations where contact with urine or feces are probable.
  2. Changing tables should be wiped with an antiseptic solution or a solution of bleach and water after each use.
  3. Betadine or other antiseptic solution should be used to wash hands thoroughly after changing the student.
  4. Soiled diapers should be disposed quickly in a covered container.  Soiled clothing should be placed in plastic bags and sealed until the parent can remove and launder the clothing.
  5. When students drool excessively, tables and work areas should be wiped with an antiseptic/ bleach solution.  Any specific concerns about situations not addressed in these guidelines should be directed to the district nurses, phone 941-5493.


All employees are also expected to maintain standards of physical and mental health conducive to the effective and efficient performance of their duties.


"Pony” Daily Courier Service

The "pony" makes a daily delivery from the district office to each school and from each school to the district office.  Materials or correspondence may also be sent in the "pony" from one school to another; this service takes two days.  The district media center and ITV distribution center use the "pony" for pickup and delivery.


Staff Development

Staff development activities occur during and after school time throughout the year.  Some are district-wide in scope, while others are planned for specific groups such as subject area teachers, grade level teachers or individual school staff members.  Staff development is considered a critical element in school improvement and a vital component in the district's commitment to excellence.  Greenwood 50's staff development plan includes a program approved by the State Board of Education that provides an alternative opportunity for teachers to renew their teaching credentials every five years.  Specific certificate renewal points are assigned for each activity, which is scheduled after regular school hours.  A staff development calendar distributed to schools monthly describes upcoming activities.