www2.gwd50.org - /Curriculum/Second/
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8/6/2009 8:49 PM 54784 2G_1N_1R_Mapping Penny's World.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 62464 2G_1N_2R_Fireboat.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 64512 2G_1N_3R_River.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 60416 2G_2N_1R_Silver Seeds.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 59392 2G_2N_2R_Walk On.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 84992 2G_2N_3R_D is for Democratic.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 60416 2G_3N_1R_The Keeping Quilt.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 57856 2G_3N_2R_A Picture Book of Sacagawea.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 65536 2G_3N_3R_John Henry.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 64000 2G_4N_1R_Grandpa's Corner Store.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 67584 2G_4N_2R_Abuelas Weave.doc
8/6/2009 8:49 PM 68608 2G_4N_3R_A New Coat for Anna.doc
8/23/2010 1:23 PM 115712 2nd Grade Standards First Nine Weeks REV.doc
8/23/2010 1:59 PM 105984 2nd Grade Standards Fourth Nine Weeks REV.doc
8/23/2010 1:33 PM 103936 2nd Grade Standards Second Nine Weeks REV.doc
8/23/2010 1:55 PM 126464 2nd Grade Standards Third Nine Weeks REV.doc
8/6/2009 2:39 PM 26624 Facts and Inferences with Poetry 2nd grade.doc
8/15/2009 1:27 PM 2294299 Genre Posters.flp
8/15/2009 1:02 PM 8319096 Genre Posters.notebook
9/1/2009 1:17 PM 30208 Grades 2-5 Curriculum Guide Notes.doc
7/28/2009 9:30 AM 28672 Read and Retell ( all grades).doc
7/28/2009 9:52 AM 27648 Steps to Inferring With Informational Text 2nd grade.doc